RENTAL = the company rent the motorcycles
RENTER = the customer
1.1 The renter agrees to use and drive the vehicle in accordance with the basic driving rules and traffic, and according to the
specifica?ons of the type of vehicle use.
1.2 The renter agrees not to use the vehicle and / or let it be used in the following cases:
a) Paid transport of passengers.
b) To push or tow any vehicle or any other object, rolling or not.
c) To par?cipate in compe??ons, official or not.
d) Drive vehicle under the influence of alcohol or narco?cs.
e) Transporta?on of goods contrary to applicable laws or illegal purposes or laws.
f) Transport of passengers other than authorized and / or listed in the Technical Inspecion Card of the Vehicle number.
g) Transport of goods by weight, quan?ty and / or above the authorized Sheet Technical Vehicle Inspec?on volume.
h) Transport of goods classified as special or hazardous by the Transport Laws in force.
i) Do not use or allow it to be used the leased vehicle as a means or instrument for the commission of crimes, punishable acts,
prohibited or simply sanc?oned by law, criminals or protec?on assistance, transporta?on and shelter of objects from crime.
1.3 Only those authorized to drive the vehicle the person or persons iden?fied and accepted by the rental in the lease and / or any
a?achments the reto, and they are in possession of valid driving license and force of at least .
1.4 The renter agrees to keep the vehicle locked when not in use and to keep the documents inside it.
1.5 It is expressly forbidden for the renter assign, mortgage, pledge, sell or otherwise encumber: the vehicle, the lease, keys,
documenta?on, equipment, tools and / or accessories of the vehicle and / or any part or part thereof, or treat the above so as to cause
harm to the rental.
1.6 Is totaly forbidden transfer the vehicle out of the island of Mallorca. Any breach of these condi?ons authorize the rental to force the
renter to return the vehicle immediately, without jus?fica?on or compensa?on.
1.7 Is not allowed riding with child up to 12 years old
2.1 The renter acknowledges that he has received the vehicle in good working order and cleanliness, including two tyres, that in case of
damage (different of normal use), renter shall immediately replace, at its expense by one or other of iden?cal characteris?cs and usage
status or pays its amount. Renter also be responsabkle for damage he has caused to the vehicle.
2.2 Is expressly forbidden for the Renter change any technical characteris?c of the vehicle, the keys to the vehicle, the vehicle
equipment, tools and / or accessories of the vehicle and make any changes in their appearance. In case of viola?on of this ar?cle, the
renter shall pay the costs, duly jus?fied, recondi?oning Vehicle to its original condi?on and pay an amount in compensa?on for
immobilizing the vehicle.
2.3 The renter relieve the rental from any liability for loss or damage caused le? or transported in the vehicle by the renter or any other
person or clothing of these, either during the contract period or a?er return Vehicle.
3.1 The rental price and the deposit is determined by the price list a?ached and must be paid in advance by the renter. Never the
deposit can use to extend the rental. The payment of such amounts shall be made by credit card or cash.
3.2 The rental period will be agreed in the contract, and billed based on periods of hours, counted from the moment it is formalized,
a?er which an addi?onal charge equivalent amount will be made 1 day rental company.
3.3 If the renter wants to keep the vehicle exceeding the ?me agreed in the contract must obtain wri?en authoriza?on from the rental
company, and renter must pay the corresponding amount.
3.4 The renter agrees to return the vehicle to the rental company on the date and place specified in the contract. The service is
considered finished once the vehicle and the keys have been returned to the rental.
3.5 If the renter drives with the contract expired and without authoriza?on from the rental company, The insurance policy will
automa?cally be suspended.
4.1 The renter agrees to pay rental:
a) The amount resul?ng from the applica?on of the price list and the price agreed in the rental contract, corresponding to dura?on,
insurance, op?onal exemp?ons, op?onal equipment and complementary services Depending on the condi?ons, as well as taxes and
fees applicable.
b) The amount of damage and / or the? suffered wholly or par?ally on vehicle. The maximum liability of the renter shall be the value of
the vehicle on the market.
In case of damage to the vehicle and its accessories and a?achments, and / or subtrac?on thereof, the corresponding charge will be
made to rental for the following items and amounts:
• Plas?c: shock, fric?on: Subject to exper?se in approved workshop.
• Glass / mirrors: chipped, scratches, loss, the?: Subject to exper?se in approved workshop.
• Lights: broken housings: Subject to exper?se in approved workshop.
• Tyres: puncture: Subject to exper?se in approved workshop.
• Documenta?on and / or Keys: loss, the?: 100.- €.
• Accessories: loss, the?, damage: Subject to exper?se in approved workshop
• Service Vehicle refueling combus?on: 20.- .€ plus the cost of fuel.
All the above-men?oned amounts are added to the corresponding tax or value added tax replacing it.
c) The amount of the ?kets for any viola?on of the law and applicable, especially on the Code of Traffic and transport regula?ons, that
the renter did, and the corresponding charges for late payment amount the renter and judicial and other expenses that have incurred
the renter as a result of the above. The amount of days that the rental can’t freely dispose of the vehicle by reason of seizure, damage
or damage caused during the lease a?ributable to the renter. All with the excep?on of that liability of the rental as owner and holder of
the vehicle. Add 50€ for administra?on fees.
4.2 Payment of the amounts referred to in paragraph 4.1 above shall be made by credit card or cash. If it is made in cash, the rental
company reserves the right to request the renter one or more credit cards as guarantee.
If payment of any of the amounts referred to above is made by a credit card or debit card, the signature of the renter in accept the
terms and condi?ons of the lease, cons?tutes permission to the rental company to charge the final total amount of contract to the
renter in the issuer of the card.
4.3 The payment is always cash (cash or card) at the ?me of signing the contract. It may be agreed a different form of payment, the
condi?ons should be reflected in wri?ng in the contract.
4.4 In case of damage, the renter gives permission to charge them an amount of € 4,000 in advance for the damage caused to the
vehicle with the card above wri?en.
5.1 The rental fees include coverage of compulsory motorcycle insurance with third mode, which covers maximum per vic?m and
sinister, the amounts established by regula?on at the ?me of the accident.
5.2 These coverages are guaranteed and are assumed by the insurer with whom the Rental company has the corresponding insurance
5.3 By signing the rental contract, the renter must adhere to the aforemen?oned policy, which there is a copy at the headquarters of
the rental company.
5.4 The renter has the op?on to choose a VIP insurance which has a cost of 15 € / day, which covers with a franchise of 1500 € damage
suffered by the vehicle and were not covered by the policy that this had hired. Also the deposit required in this case is 1500 €.
5.5 . Exclusions compulsory motorcycle insurance .
This insurance does not cover:
– Damage caused at the driver or occupants.
– Damage caused to the insured vehicle for baggage, goods or objects transported by the vehicle.
– Corporal and material damage during the insured being stolen vehicle.
These damages are payable by the Renter.
5.6 Exclusions Supplemental Liability Insurance.
This insurance does not cover:
– Damage, loss or any other damage caused to luggage, merchandise or objects transported by the vehicle.
– The total or par?al loss or damage to the vehicle the? and / or vandalism and / or traffic accident a?ributable to the renter or its
– Payment of ?ckets imposed by the competent authori?es and the missing payments.
– Damages caused to persons and property of the renter, the driver, their spouses, parents or children to the third degree of
consanguinity or affinity, provided they usually live with them and at their expense.
– The Contractual Liability.
– Damage caused to the person of the vehicle driver or occupants.
– Damage caused to the insured vehicle for baggage, goods or objects transported in the vehicle.
– Corporal and material damage during the insured being stolen vehicle.
These damages are payable by the Renter.
5.7 General Exclusions.
None of the types of insurance will cover the damage to the insured vehicle as a result of:
– Wars.
– Natural disasters and natural phenomena.
– Terrorism, riot, or mu?ny.
– Performances of the Forces of State Security.
– Par?cipa?on in compe??ons.
– Driving without permission or license from circula?on, or without the authoriza?on of the rental.
– Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or narco?cs.
These damages are payable by the renter.
6.1 renter agrees to report no later than 24 hours to rental of any claim and transmit any le?ers, summonses or no?fica?ons that
incident relate and comprehensive coopera?on with the rental and the Insurance Company in the inves?ga?on immediately and
defense of any claim or process.
6.2 At the ?me of the accident or incident renter shall complete properly the accident report (which is supplied with all documenta?on)
and must deliver a signed copy by the drivers involved in the accident in any of our offices copy within not more than to 24h;
telephoning even if the circumstances so advise.
6.3 In the event of breakdown or accident the rental company assumes no responsibility for any damages that may directly or indirectly
cause the renter for that reason.
7.1 Mechanical wear by normal use of the vehicle is assumed by the rental company.
7.2 Method of maintenance.
7.2.1 Maintenance by the Renter:
Renter assumes the maintenance of the vehicle for proper opera?on for the dura?on of the contract, plus everything not included
in the warranty offered by the brand or dealer.
7.2.2 Maintenance by the rental company:
The provisions of the preceding paragraph 7.2.1 is borne by the rental company, I being included in the General Price List.
7.3 The renter is not authorized to order repairs to the Vehicle without the express permission of the rental company.
8.1 The fuel consumed by the vehicle during the rental period has to pay the renter.
8.2 The renter shall refuel the vehicle with the correct type of fuel (98 octane). Otherwise the renter shall be responsable for the costs
incurred in the reloca?on and / or repair of damage that could have produced on the vehicle by misfuelling.
8.3 Vehicle will be delivered to the rental company with a full tank, commi?ng the rental company to return the vehicle with full tank
also. Otherwise the renter will be pay for a plus like an addi?onal charge service refueling; the amount of the fee is established in the
General Condi?ons Ar?cle 4.1 le?er b.
9.1 Any modifica?on of the terms and condi?ons of this contract shall be expressed in writing, without which it will be null and void.
10.1 renter, whatever their na?onality, declares to have read all the condi?ons of this agreement and to resolve any doubt or
disagreement arising from the interpreta?on and fulfillment of the same, both par?es expressly waive their own charters and are
subject to the courts of Palma de Mallorca.
1 DAY 120€ 110 € 100 € 100 €
2 DAYS 115€ 200 € 180 € 180 €
3 DAYS 110€ 270 € 240 € 240 €
4 DAYS or more 105€ Day80 € Day 70 € Day 70 €